Using 200+ million answers and real-life student explanations from my Diagnostic Questions website, I have hunted down some questions students find difficult and put them together in an easy-to-use resource.
For each question, there are three “levels” of challenge:
- Can your students get the question correct?
- Can they understand the mistake each of the students on the image has made?
- And then the big one… how would they help each of these students understand why they are not right?
It is this final challenge that has the potential to really get your students thinking. Can they help by using different explanations, representations, diagrams, analogies, examples, and so on?
The easiest ways to search for questions is using the Topic menu at the top of the page, the tags at the side, or using the search box.
The easiest way to save a question is to right-click on the question image, and either Copy or Save as image.
Here are some ways teachers have been using the DQaDay resoruces:
- As a starter to ensure students hit the lesson running with some good, hard thinking
- Mid-way through the lesson to break up a task
- At the end of a lesson/topic to assess understanding
- As an interesting and challenging homework task
My books
I have written two books about my use of these types of activities.

My online courses

I have an online course store which offers low-cost, high-quality CPD on-demand. Each course contains short videos, resources, research, activities and questions to reflect upon. The courses most suited to the sequencers on the DQ a Day website are:
Supporting this website
I do not make any money from this website, so if you did want to support its future development – and hopefully learn more about the pedagogy underpinning these ideas – then I would be so grateful if you would consider:
- Taking one of my online courses
- Buying one of my books
- Supporting my work at Patreon
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this – now go and enjoy the site!